Saturday, May 2, 2009


D300 - 145 mm, 1/400 sec f/7.1, ISO 200

I am very slowly agreeing with the definition the aboriginal people of Australia give to our reality: "the dreamtime".


  1. nice blog, hai friend u r invite to my blog, i want share my yoga life style to u, thk

  2. Beautiful photo tied to short but deep words... an exercise in minimalist maximization that I for one, appreciate. We should all spend more time in "dreamtime", and seek it...

  3. Dreams formed from the contours of our minds, set forth as reality. Excellent post -A-C- :D

  4. @ Owen & strawberry girl: ... and you both showed an equally excellent understanding and depth... maybe the tide is indeed turning.

  5. It is like that it seems. And is it because of that that we spend much time analyzing our lives the way we would a dream? That everything that happens has some kind of meaning that can be interpreted? I know I have spent a lot of time doing that, but find more and more peace the more I let that go and just enjoy the 'lucid dreaming' active part of awareness and creative flow, l am less and less distracted in going 'out there' to find meaning because it really seems that no matter which strand of meaning I follow, it all comes back to that single point of awareness that seems to be watching it all, utterly silently, the way one watches a dream...

  6. I love the contrasting textures and the warmth. Great photo and as always, very thought-provoking words.

  7. @ Robin: you know much better than me that we are dreaming now, and only waiting to be awaken to our spirit.

    @ Catvibe & Inky: Thank you for your comment. Yes, dreaming is part of our creative process, and probably it's useless to find reasons for it. Yet how promptly do we accept dreams' reality without realizing we are dreaming.

  8. The ridges and colors and shadows in those rock formations really capture the many crevasses we can get lost in--dreams of the past and future, tinted by time and fear or excitement, worry or hope or regret. One would think living awake, living in the present should be much easier than it is!

  9. @ amy: yes indeed. living in the present is the answer, but we are so untrained to feel the instant...
