Tuesday, August 5, 2008


D300 - 12 mm, 1/160 sec f/6.3, ISO 200


shouts the ego


echoes the self.


  1. Melbourne, Australia.

    [ Io Io Io!
    grida l'ego
    Io Io Io!
    gli fa eco il se' ]

  2. Bella la foto...ma questo lato tuo poetico prorio non lo conoscevo,complimenti!!!

  3. Grazie Mara,
    la foto l'ho scelta perche i due grattacieli sono costruzioni imponenti ed umane, come il nostro ego. Torreggiano e sembrano fronteggiarsi sul nostro vero io (che qui รจ rappresentato dal punto di vista) ma dicono la medesima cosa.

  4. What happens when we no longer hear the ego? Then what do you hear?

  5. The ego seems necessary for existence. Without it how would we appear, be made known in the world? Our flesh and bone alone will not do. What seems vitally important is knowing that the ego, I, is not all there is, that others too exist and from time to time, more often than not, deference to the other is necessary, for our growth and theirs. There is no building larger than self. Humility (which is not void of confidence or excellence) is a most beautiful trait to cultivate.

  6. @ linda: if I didn't sound too common I would say "the heart", but I don't subscribe to the duality mind/heart.. I am currently rather confused on this topic and I may therefore say unintelligible things.

  7. @ judith: I believe you touched an important point: ego as a consequence of our biological evolution. A necessary psychological tool to help us survive in the world. I think it is about time we start loosing our tail... ;-)

  8. AC, I think you are right on track. It isn't the heart but in the stomach...following the gut, the instinct that comes from deep within and not falling prey to the ego, for the ego can be very fond of itself. The heart too can be led astray by sentiment...but the gut is always right...for me.

  9. Does the gut stand alone--outside of heart and ego? My guess is that it does not. My guess is also that the ego too does not stand alone. In fact, nothing to my understanding stands alone but is influenced by other internal and external factors.

  10. @ linda & judith: I tend to agree with judith. there is nothing that stands alone, separated or which is right by default. All sides of our personality have their function within and with the others. What probably happened is that we lost the balance among these aspects and we tend to favor one, say the ego, with respect to the gut feelings, or our sentimental mind.

    Thank you both for your interesting comments.

  11. Your photography is beautiful.I really like this particular one

  12. @ green of eye: Thank you so much for your appreciation.

  13. Not much more to say than that! Perfect with the picture. Appreciate your creativity. Thanks.

  14. @ sweettalkingguy & thebirdsings: Thank you. Given your talent I really appreciate your commenting here.

  15. Wonderful photo and a great discussion. I wonder if the ego isn't what helps us conform to a given reality through repression. If we listen to what has been repressed, we might gain some insight into what is other. Other not only for us but in terms of our social order and what it represses as well.

  16. @ gautami & nathan: you both honor me with your visit and commenting.
    Nathan, it is an interesting point of view, which connects to the ego as the answer to some evolution forces, in this case social ones. It would be worth some deeper thoughts.
