Thursday, April 9, 2009

The monoped

D300 - 100 mm, 1/8 sec f/32, ISO 100

Behold, my friends, one of the most incredible discoveries of all time! A new species of humanoid has been recorded by my most advanced photographic tools, a species which I am now honored to name: monoped. Yes, once seen in their true form they are horrid to our eyes, but they manage to mingle among us probably because of some telepathic abilities.
It is still unclear how these species has evolved and I call upon you experts to find a convincing theory.
Preening, mating and mimetic abilities will be studied soon...

IT version


  1. Absolutely wonderful! SO SO SO Silly!

  2. hahahah this is hilarious. Thanks for making me smile!

  3. This is so funny, not only because it is just funny but because your usually serious.
    (or are you?) ;p

  4. se battevi le mani tiravano giù anche l'altra gamba (cit) :D
    ma...è Chiavari?

  5. Thank you AC, you made me laugh - such a good start to the day! Happy Easter.

  6. :D I'm glad you liked it.
    I'll probably satisfy some curiosity by saying that these photos have not been processed at all. The peculiar single leg effect comes from accurate timing and a rather long exposure (1/8 sec), so that the moving leg is almost completely blurred out.
    Thank you for your comments and happy Easter :-)

    @ Serena: si si.. e' Chiavari, in piazza delle carrozze, davanti alla fontana trilobata.

  7. @ strawberry girl: serious? me??? hehe... only when absolutely necessary ;-)

  8. I once saw a cartoon image of a series of frogs coming out the back kitchen door of a french restaurant all on crutches and missing a leg... obviously because the missing legs were being served for lunch in the restaurant. Well, I think these photos were taken just outside a Frog restaurant where the frogs had been dining on human legs... :D
