Sunday, September 21, 2008


D70 - 62 mm, 1 sec f/2.8, ISO 200

The weather here is more pronouncedly turning to autumn, and I find comfort in usual gestures and rhythms. My morning coffee (+ some milk) is one of those seasonal habits, savored slowly, silently and possibly accompanied by a home made pastry. Among more obvious reactions, smell and taste evoke memories, state of consciousness, perceptions.
While in NYC, I was thinking of all those people swiftly pacing towards their destinations with a mug in their hand, carelessly sipping some overheated liquid, whose many names hardly correspond to a real distinction. That's habit for them too of course and coffee is still a ritual there.
I know "time is money" but a peaceful, relaxed breakfast is priceless.


  1. I don't drink coffee but my cup of hot tea gets me going every morning. It is most appreciated during the cooler months.

  2. Amen AC. You are preaching to the choir! How I love the ritual of coffee almost as much as its flavor and side effects!

  3. Eh eh...bella questa foto color caffè...peccato che mi evochi brutti ricordi.
    Ma la foto è stupenda (una delle mie preferite)

  4. @ lisa: of course tea is more than welcome! It's so very English ;-)

    @ linda: :-D I know I need not explain the "pleasures of life" to you ...!

    @ amaramara: brutti ricordi anche, ma tanti bei ricordi nella preparazione, pianificazione e speranza che erano ben vive all'inizio.

  5. one addiction (that i know of), taken each morning at the speed of now...on my deck watching the sun rise over the bay

    & your photo...i can "hear" the espresso being prepared in it!

  6. @ qualcosa di bello: :-) Judging by some of the photos you posted, the view from your deck is just what one needs to forget about the working day and stay in contemplation of the rising sun. And if you can make a good coffee... bliss! :-D

  7. I don't know how people can start a day without a coffee! I can't!

  8. darn man I just don't get the coffee thing! It does nothing for me! *stares at crazy coffee heads*

  9. @ mickey: hehe... I should introduce you some of my friends, whose concept of coffee borders with that of mysticism....

  10. Precious and priceless. There is something about the richness of coffee. I often have a cup sitting outside on the porch, just breathing.
    Nice to be back.

  11. Thank you for pointing out the obvious when it comes to the overheated coffee served in the States. One of the hardest things about moving here from Australia is that the coffee tends to be over burnt. Savour and pay respect to your tastebuds.

  12. @ Tash: thank you for your comment. Australia.. sigh! I shall go back there again :-)
