Thursday, September 25, 2008


D300 - 300 mm, 1/400 sec f/22, ISO 200

Far and misty I found you once
solemn figure, ditched by men
who took an oath
who ride on fears
who sell more lies to uncertain minds.

I wish you well, my distant friend
the silent hope for better times
the quest for change,
the humble strength
are but your robe and standing ground.


  1. [ Ti ho trovato questa volta,
    lontana, immersa nella nebbia
    immagine solenne, affossata da uomini
    che giurarono
    che cavalcano le paure
    che dispensano menzogne a menti dubbiose.

    Auguri, amica mia remota
    la speranza silente di tempi migliori
    la volonta' di cambiare
    la forza degli umili
    non sono che la tua veste e le tue fondamenta. ]

  2. sometimes we need the view of someone from somewhere else to appreciate that which could be so easily lost through carelessness.

    qualche volte abbiamo bisogno di una vista come il tuo punto di vista. dobbiamo apprezzare cio` che abbiamo. grazie a te... (spero que le mie parole sono corrette!)

  3. We live in fear and uncertainity every day in the US. The upcoming election is extremely taxing, unnerving, terrifying. It is good to know you care.

  4. Beautiful writing and photo as always....

  5. Wow...stavolta hai superato te stesso e mi hai lasciato senza parole.

  6. @ qualcosa di bello:
    What you say is very true. It often applies to acknowledging the value of things when we lose them.

    @ book queen:
    I do care, and I truly hope a change is possible.

    @ kristin:
    :-) you're very kind.

    @ amaramara:
    troppo buona, troppo buona :D ... ma dovro' pur dare l'incentivo al mio discepolo.. hehe!

  7. Yes, for sure....better times and need for change. Oh how we need that. Sitting here on this side (and having been on that side), I have to say this is truly becoming exhausting.

    Thank you for your words and this image. They are well received to give more strength.

    I also appreciate your visit to my blog today.

  8. Love the way you juxtaposed the images - the historic and modern. Tradition and commerce. But most of all, the transient (ships in the night)and permanent.

  9. Alla faccia dell'incentivo...sarĂ  dura arrivare a certi pensieri e soprattutto a certe non mi tiro indietro ;-)

  10. @ kim:
    thank you for your kind comment, and welcome to my blog.

    @ pooja:
    Thank you! I'm so glad you realized the balance of elements.

    @ cleanlens:
    hehe ... ormai sei troppo avanti! quindi siamo passati al livello finale... dove si sconfigge il mostro :-D :-D

  11. Damn AC! I swear, you have the vision of an artist and the soul of a poet. How entranced I am by your writing. I could comment on the political aspect of the words but just like politics, it is meaningless. However, your words.... your words, your words... have left me speechless once again. How many times is that now that your words have dazzled me? 40? 50?
    Thank you my friend.

  12. I hope the change will be positive. So much negativity has permiated our country. It is scary. I love your prose and the photo is just perfect with it.

  13. @ linda:
    thank you so much for your appreciation. You share the merit though, as this post was inspired by our discussion while we where on the brooklin bridge.

    @ lisa:
    yes, true. A new, positive course is what we should work on. The Country needs it and the World demands it!
    Thank you for commenting.

  14. cavolo andrea...veramente bella!!

  15. @alessio: sei molto gentile, grazie veramente!
