Saturday, February 28, 2009

Far and near

Dear readers,
here we go again with another "far&near" call for inspiration. This time I chose a rather difficult shot: it is the picture of sunlight reflecting off the water of a small mountain stream. Abstract images aren't easy to grasp, so it's ok if you won't come up with anything.
That said, deadline for this issue is set to March, 8th 2009.

Merry thinking

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

On flowing

D70 - 80 mm, 1/15 sec f/11, ISO 200

I am sure somebody trained in the most subtle ways of the mind could say why we are attracted to specific photographic subjects. Not that I would believe this oracle without questioning it further, and surely not without a thorough investigation of its reasoning.
First things first. While browsing through my early shots I [re]discovered the feeling towards water and air. Only rarely have I taken pictures of other elements, and even more rarely of living creatures. This attraction/repulsion surely has a deep meaning, which I am not aware of.
Those of you who can see through it are kindly requested to send their pitiless diagnosis per email, least exposing the deepest recesses of my mind to the public...
To cut a long post short, I''ll be posting a bit of wind and water soon enough :-)

Monday, February 23, 2009


D70 - 70 mm, 1/250 sec f/8.0, ISO 200

I cannot stop my wandering through funny lands,


what a waste of time

... ?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Interlude IX

H. Purcell - If love's a sweet pleasure

".. yet so easy the pain is, so soft is the dart
that at once it both wounds me and tickles my heart."

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What needs to be done

D300 - 24 mm, 1/40 sec f/4.0, ISO 1000

In stillness I feel my oneness.

There I must forgive myself.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day 9 [3/4]


Primary, honest colors
painted on cosy shapes of a recent past,
echoing an unfamiliar language,
talking about genuine people.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


D300 - 18 mm, 1/125 sec f/10, ISO 250

Maybe, by chance

I bumped into you, idly dwelling in untrodden fields.

I seek you now like a thirsty man,

like a lover

looking for the beloved face

in every smile he meets.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Far and near: Seven

D300 - 24 mm, 1/100 sec f/16, ISO 250

Shadows like your cool breath on my neck
Sucking me into another world.

I am saving the shadows you waste.
I am building a brilliant escape.

Rising into the unknown,
pursuing the light.

The climb is just as easily made
in shadow as in light.

Start at the bottom, but taking one step at a time
Find yourself rise above it all.

Light is purer,
After the effort

"Evolve!" is the imperative on the path of return.
If I do not dare, who else will?
A. Chincarini

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Interlude VIII

Easily we do all forget,
painfully a few of us remember.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Day 9 [2/4]


Modern but not too much, european and characteristic, historic but with free WiFi in the centre. A feeling of belonging here (or wanting to) caressed my mind. Busy, colorful yet not as busy as I am used to, and much more colorful.
It felt like a place I'd want to retreat to, to hide from globalization, to hide from my worries. It felt remote but not unconnected, exalting the sweet taste of control over when and where do we let the world reach us.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 9 [1/4]


After a surprisingly quiet nightly navigation, a less understandable language, more vivid colors and a lower temperature greet us on our arrival.
This small archipelago feels like a very different place from the Canary Islands. Our immediate thought goes to the renowned wine of this lands and we soon discover how cleverly these people cultivate vines.

For your eyes only [so to speak]: Madeira's ocean .

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 8

(Canary Islands)

Tenerife is green and pleasant, lively and blessed by a gorgeous volcano. Yet I couldn't bring myself to display it in colors. While I try to find a plausible answer to my approach, please enjoy these b&w shots.

I apologize for repeating subjects in my photography. Apparently I can't avoid the ocean, old doors and geometric features. There is enough food for a shrink here...

The Lemonade Award

It is now time to pass on the award.
Once bestowed upon my site by the gentle Catherine Vibert, The Lemonade Award is for sites which show great attitude and/or gratitude. Before unveiling the new nominees, let me review the "rules" for this rite of passage [slightly adapted, as rules must evolve too]:

Rules for the award

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

And now, drums rolling...

For outstanding endurance: Linda of Linda Land
Profound thoughts are written by: Laruga of PeaceLoveYoga
For her kindness and wit: Maggie 0f Such is Life
Uncontainable talent and ingenuity goes to: Kat of Studiokat
For the path he is walking enlightens us all: Daniel of Faces, lives...

In its wisdom, the jury decided to assign some extra awards to:

Cinciamogia, for the cunning point of view and smart writing about everyday life;
Amaramara, as she never ceases to learn and try.

So that's it. Now it's up to you....