Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Lemonade Award

It is now time to pass on the award.
Once bestowed upon my site by the gentle Catherine Vibert, The Lemonade Award is for sites which show great attitude and/or gratitude. Before unveiling the new nominees, let me review the "rules" for this rite of passage [slightly adapted, as rules must evolve too]:

Rules for the award

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 5 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites and link to this post.

And now, drums rolling...

For outstanding endurance: Linda of Linda Land
Profound thoughts are written by: Laruga of PeaceLoveYoga
For her kindness and wit: Maggie 0f Such is Life
Uncontainable talent and ingenuity goes to: Kat of Studiokat
For the path he is walking enlightens us all: Daniel of Faces, lives...

In its wisdom, the jury decided to assign some extra awards to:

Cinciamogia, for the cunning point of view and smart writing about everyday life;
Amaramara, as she never ceases to learn and try.

So that's it. Now it's up to you....


  1. Intanto ti ringrazio,al momento ho qualche problema con il pc perchè lo scienziato che vive con me ha messo a lavorare il pc in maniera spropositata e non funziona quasi nulla...quindi non risco a tradurre,non è che potresti darmi un aiutino? Assssiiieeeeee.....

  2. :D e' semplice. Come sono stato nominato io qualche tempo fa, ora propongo i miei premiati. Quello che devi fare, se vuoi, e' mettere l'immagine del premio sul tuo blog, o come post o nella colonna a fianco. Quando ti decidi a tua volta a passare il premio ad altri bloggers segui le regole assegnate: almeno 5 nomine, devi mettere il loro link nella nomina, e lasciare un messaggio sul loro blog per fargli sapere che hanno ricevuto il premio.
    Io ho aggiunto una spiegazione accanto a coloro che hanno ricevuto il premio. Per il tuo blog ho scritto: "Amaramara, perche' non smette mai di provare e imparare"


  3. Grazie!!!! ok ci provo ;)

  4. WoW! Thank you a lot for awarding me; I truly feel honored and happy at the same time that I could share some important things with you! Thank You again! :)

  5. @ Dmartini: oh please! actually you deserve it much more than I do. It is I who is honored to have you visiting my blog. I wish I had 1/10 of your meditation experiences...

  6. Oh've been such a great friend during this transition period of mine. Thank you so much for the award. I appreciate your loving thoughts, excellent writing and outstanding photography.
    Much love,

  7. @ Linda: it is always a pleasure Linda... blogging is really a funny game, but it was a pleasure and honor to meet you in person. Probably I'll come to NYC by the end of June... we might even meet again, who knows.. ;-)
