Saturday, March 21, 2009

Smiling Merlot

D300 - 105 mm, 1/200 sec f/2.8, ISO 400

A friend of mine complained about the recent lack of color photography: "Too much B&W! It makes me sad" she said. I am therefore thinking of shooting a series of colors, trying to capture one of the many meanings conveyed by them. Well... at least this is the intent.
The first one is this picture, "smiling merlot". Why the yellow? Up to your keen minds, the task to find an answer.


  1. Cool AC, looks like the sun drinking coffee.

  2. why yellow...for the sun-ripened grapes, of course!!!

  3. Yellow is the colour of sunshine and always uplifts the soul making everyone smile!

  4. This is so wonderful. I LOVE Cynthia's comment.

  5. The animate quality on the inanimate is undeniable. This goes for people too; though alive they are often not. What we bring to things and others matters, whether interpretively or actually. Bring a smile, a burst of sunshine. This matters.

  6. @ judith: very deep Judith.. you should encourage your poetic vein ...

  7. I love this shot and its title. It brings the biggest smile. Thank you for the encouragement. I did write a little piece a a month ago today and I'd be honored if you read it and left a comment: Being Amid Bones
