Friday, October 31, 2008

Interlude III

H. Purcell - Lost is my quiet forever

... my love is unmoved as her hate.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Far and near: Five

D300 - 105 mm, 1/250 sec f/2.8, ISO 250

A stream of intersecting thoughts
run free
with direction.
A.N. Rodriguez

Whispers line the path, so smooth in a sea of pebbles
It’s silent now, a mystery, but full of answers I don't yet know.

I stumbled upon the pathway
of the rest of my life

For only when looking back, do we realize
the shortest path is seldom a straight line.
A. Chincarini

Saturday, October 25, 2008


D300 - 12 mm, 1/160 sec f/14, ISO 200

After these many years

my thirst hasn't been quenched.

We fools,

how happy do we all look

when we believe

we've found a piece of the puzzle.

The fluttering of wings,

a drop of water,

all last longer than a man's dream.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Prelude in B [sharp/flat/logged]

These interludes are meant to be used as background music while reading the blog. At the beginning I tried to match music and images but it didn't turn out to be straightforward, mainly due to my limited knowledge and an incipient decline of my memory. In addition I didn't want to add yet-another-artistic collection, or this blog would soon become very boring and dull.
I'd rather have them break the flow, as interludes should. As for comments, I liked what happened on the first post of this series; I'd wish them to be an open ground, that is not necessarily related to the music or picture posted.
The first two posts were a test for the format and the player. After some trials I think I have found the right balance, which will be effective starting from the next post of this collection.

From Italy with love

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Interlude II

Sunday, October 19, 2008


D300 - 300 mm, 1/400 sec f/11, ISO 200

Not even the leaves' rustle,

not the joyful colors

or the warmth of a sunny day

can turn my mind from you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Director's cut - Not exactly a spring thought

/ resting alone in a misty sea / the stone is caressed by endless waves / whose existence is but a dream / a play in which my mind / acknowledges its singleness /

[click here for the original post]

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Far and near

New call for inspiration worldwide!
Please find your battleground here, and participation rules here. Deadline is set to Tuesday, October 28th.

Merry thinking...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The lover

D300 - 24 mm, 30 sec f/18, ISO 200

Accomplished ways and grace and kindness

are eerie nests for my unconfessed thoughts.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Modern temples

D300 - 12 mm, 1/80 sec f/4.0, ISO 640

The recent break down in world economy, and most noticeably in the American financial market leaves us with many questions and an unusual sense of uncertainty. I am not competent to discuss causes and remedies and I won't therefore provide any insight into this crisis.
We know now our golden temples can easily be shattered by winds of greed, carelessness and impunity.
Civilizations aren't going to last thousands of years as they did in the past. Have we learned the lesson? How many of us do we need to push global consciousness to a higher level?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


D300 - 300 mm, 1/640 sec f/18, ISO 200

I love the sea

when the color's gold

the air's salty

and the day

is dying.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Friday, October 3, 2008

Far and near: Four

D70 - 24 mm, 1/350 sec f/8.0, ISO 200

Time, eroded
by winds of change.

Cosi` alto e incrollabile,
da qui temo solo la mia solitudine.

Freedom I experienced
as I let the wind take my soul.
A. Chincarini

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

New Jersey

D300 - 12 mm, 10 sec f/13, ISO 320

... and I know one guy who mistook it for New York!
What an idiot...